Each tag is ‘registered’ to a specific numbered button on the handheld so that your skis can be searched individually by the handheld device. Et andet sæt ski tags (købes separat) kan registreres til knapper 3 & 4 på din RESQSKI Handheld.
I. Turn Tag switch to the ‘ON’ position.
II. Red light on Tag should flash twice.
III. Place Tag you wish to register next to your RESQSKI Handheld making sure all other Tags have been moved more than an arms length away.
IV. Make sure the Handheld is switched on (rød status lys blinker, når den).
V. Select one of the buttons on the front of the Handheld to assign the Tag to. Hold the button down for 3 sekund. The Handheld will beep.
VI. Release button – Handheld will beep to confirm start of registration and status light will flash rapidly. Tag will complete registration process.
VII. Once registered Handheld and Tag will flash and beep once.
Gentag processen for andre tag og ekstra knap.
I. Place the Tag to be unregistered next to the RESQSKI Handheld.
II. Hold down the volume button and at the same time press the button that the Tag is registered to for 3 sekund.
III. Handheld will beep once – let go of the buttons.
IV. Handheld will now beep twice, status blinker hurtigt og begynde at afregistrere den Tag.
V. To confirm successful unregistration Handheld will beep twice again.
3. Sletning af en RESQSKI HOMING TAG
Hvis koden er blevet beskadiget Tag kan slettes muligt andet Tag, der skal registreres på denne knap.
I. Hold down the volume button and at the same time press the button that the Tag is registered to for 7 sekunder, eller indtil RESQSKI Handheld bipper to gange - så lad gå af knapperne.
II. The Handheld will beep 3 gange og begynder at afregistrere den Tag.
III. To confirm successful deletion, Tag og håndholdte vil bippe og LED blinker.
VIGTIGT: It is important that you do not lose or break the Handheld otherwise the Tags registered to it cannot be unregistered and re-assigned to another Handheld.